Battle Reports
USN Casualties
CSN Casualties
Fort Cobb

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“Dash at the

With that command from
Commander S. C. Rowan, the Union flotilla of fourteen vessels engaged the
tiny six ship “mosquito fleet” of Flag Officer William F. Lynch. Fifteen
minutes later, the battle of Elizabeth
City was over. The CSS Seabird
and CSS Fanny had sunk, the Black Warrior was abandoned and on fire, a
boarding party had captured the CSS Ellis, and the CSS Beaufort and CSS
Appomattox had escaped up the river towards the Dismal
Swamp Canal. The
four-gun battery at Cobb’s Point had been silenced. The back door to Norfolk
was open.
Rowan pursued the
Confederate flotilla to Elizabeth City, NC, following the fall of Roanoke
Island to Union forces on 8 February 1862.
In a naval battle fought on the Pasquotank
between Cobb Point and Hospital Point during the morning of 10 February 1862,
the Union fleet crushed the North Carolina Squadron with overwhelming numbers
and vastly superior firepower.

Looking SE down the Pasquotank
River towards the battle site