Skirmishes at

Indiantown and Sandy Hook








Capt. George B. Cook

Co. G, 5th USCT




This report was filed by Capt. George B. Cock, commander of Co. G, 5th USCT:


December 29, 1863.

SIR: I have the honor to make the following report of action and casualties sustained by a detachment of the Fifth Regiment U.S. Colored Troops, under my command, at Sandy Swamp, near Indiantown, N. C., on the 18th instant:

The detachment consisted of four companies, numbering near 200 men. Of these one company was detached as rear guard. At about 11 a.m., while on the march, Lieutenant Bennett, commanding the vanguard, reported to Captain Jones, commanding a detachment in the advance, that the enemy was near. The detachments were then halted while the vanguard went forward to reconnoiter. Scarcely had we halted, however, when a volley was fired upon us from a dense thicket of pines, distant 400 yards, by which 2 men were killed, 1 mortally and 1 severely wounded. I immediately commanded the men to lie down and fire on the enemy from behind the fence, which was obeyed in time [to] escape a second volley. For a few minutes the firing was rapid and general on both sides. Two companies were then sent out to the right and one to the left to flank them, while I was to attack them in front. I immediately moved by the road in front of the thicket, commanded "fix bayonets," and moved by the right flank into the pines, but the enemy had fled. We then returned, picked up our dead and wounded, and continued the march. The casualties sustained by my command were as follows: Privates, Richard H. Fox and Jeremiah Franklin, killed; Jordon Dorton, shot in the neck, mortally wounded, died the following morning; David Quan, shot through the right lung; all of Company G, Fifth Regiment U.S. Colored Troops. The behavior of the men while under fire was good.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

                                                                  GEO. B. COCK,

Captain Company G, Fifth U. S. Colored Troops.