Skirmishes at

Indiantown and Sandy Hook








Brig. Gen. Edward A. Wild

Commanding expedition



Silas Gregory House

Home of a guerrilla spared by Wild



The following report was filed by Brig. Gen. Edward A. Wise, commander of the expedition:


Brig. Gen. L. THOMAS,

Adjutant-General U. S. Army.

“On quitting Elizabeth City, I sent 250 to land on Powell's Point and march up, ferried 400 across to Camden Court-House, and returned with the rest to South Mills. There I dismissed the cavalry and artillery and sent home Colonel Holman's regiment with our trains; marched with the remainder to Indiantown, met Colonel Draper, who had gone southward with his party to Shiloh, thence northward again.

He had had three encounters with guerrillas. At Shiloh they made a strong night attack, driving in his pickets and pouring in volley after volley upon his camp fires. But Colonel Draper had previously withdrawn all his men to sleep inside the church, leaving the fires burning. The picket reserve having been secretly posted, returned the fire and drove away the enemy before the colonel could form his men and reach them. He pursued them in vain. The next day he was waylaid at Sandy Hook by a force estimated at 200, who had taken a position at the edge of a swamp 400 yards distant, which they, held with some determination long enough for the colonel to bring 300 guns to bear upon it, and to send two flanking parties round their right and left. One of these, charging with the bayonet, they did not wait to receive, but vanished in the swamp. The guerrillas, as we afterward learned, lost in this fight 13 killed and wounded, although sheltered, thus faring worse than our men, who lost 11, though exposed.

After crossing Indiantown Bridge, his rear guard holding the bridge was attacked, but drove back the enemy. The next day, with our combined force, I went back to meet them, drove them a long chase into their swamp, and after much trouble struck their trail, viz, a succession of single felled trunks leading into their citadel. We filed in single, burned their camp, took many guns, chiefly new Enfields (Tower mark, 1863), considerable fine ammunition, drum, clothes, provisions, &c. After burning the neighboring houses and giving them another chase, we marched to Currituck Court-House, where we met our little steamer again, also the army gunboat Flora Temple. Sent more loads to Roanoke Island.”


                              - Brig. Gen. Edward A. Wild