Report of Lieutenant Davenport U. S. Navy, commanding third column. |
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U S.
Elizabeth City, N.C.,
February 11, 1862.
SIR: I beg leave to submit the following report:
At 2 p.m. of Sunday, the 9th instant, in obedience to orders, got underway, after receiving ammunition from the Hunchback for our 9-inch gun, and stood up Croatan Sound in company with the rest of the light squadron, passing without difficulty the obstructions in the channel.
In compliance with general signal to "chase," crowded on steam and pursued some rebel vessels into Pasquotank River, where we anchored about 10 miles from the fort after dark.
Monday, the 10th, at 6:50 a.m., in obedience to general
signal, got underway and stood up the river.
At a little after 8 a.m. saw the enemy's flotilla and a battery of four guns at Cobb's Point.
The position assigned to the Hetzel in the column was such that it was not practicable in this narrow stream to fire at the enemy's steamers without endangering the lives of our companions, but we managed to get two shots at the battery and one at an armed schooner, the missiles of our opponents falling thick and fast around us.
At 9:10 general signal to "make a dash at the enemy."
At 9: 12 rebel schooner struck her flag and was abandoned by her crew, who set fire to her before leaving.
At 9:25 general signal to "cease firing," the battery being now deserted and the steamers opposing us being taken, sunk, or put to flight.
At 9:45 received on board for surgical assistance William C. Jackson, aged 18, acting midshipman of Confederate steamer Ellis, mortally wounded while making his escape to the shore, who died at 10 p.m. and was buried on shore with all possible solemnities this morning.
At 9:50 came to off Elizabeth City with the rest of the squadron.
At 11:10, in pursuance of orders, got underway, stood down the river, and anchored off the battery.
At 11:30 sent Lieutenant Franklin on shore with armed boat's crew to assist in destruction of the battery.
I also enclose herewith the report of Acting Master Hotchkiss, commanding steamer General Putnam, from which you will perceive that he was prevented taking active part in the engagement by causes beyond his control.
In conclusion, I would respectfully call your attention to the coolness and gallant conduct of all under my command, who vied with one another in the faithful performance of their duty.
I have the honor to be, your most obedient servant,
Commander S. C. Rowan, U.
Commanding Flotilla, Pasquotank River, North
Navy Official Records
Series I, Volume 6
Atlantic Blockading Squadron
From October 29, 1861, to March 8, 1862.
pp. 609-610