Report of Lieutenant Flusser

        U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Commodore Perry

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U. S. S. Commodore Perry,

Roanoke Island,

February 28, 1862.


SIR: In the action of the 10th instant, at Cobb's Point battery, the battery, schooner, and steamers opened fire on us about 8 a.m. About 8:15 we commenced to return it, firing at the battery and Sea Bird alone. After passing the battery we fired only at the Sea Bird. We ran her down and took her officers and crew prisoners. In the collision the ring stopper of the anchor was snapped and the anchor went to the bottom, which accident, together with the delay occasioned by receiving on board the prisoners, prevented us from making another capture. While engaged receiving the prisoners two of the enemy's small steamers ran around, very close to, firing at us with musketry, by which 2 of my men were killed and an officer wounded.

This vessel was not struck by shot or shell.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



Lieutenant, Commanding.


Commander S. C. ROWAN,

Commanding U S. Naval Flotilla, Albemarle Sound.


Navy Official Records

Series I, Volume 6

Atlantic Blockading Squadron

From October 29, 1861, to March 8, 1862.

pp. 612-613