Report of Acting Master HaysU. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Morse. |
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Off Elizabeth City, N c.,
February 15,1862.
SIR: In obedience to your orders of the 11th instant, I submit the following report of the operations of this vessel during the engagement of the 10th instant:
At 7 a.m., in obedience to signals, we got underway, opened fire upon the enemy with shells at a distance of about three-fourths of a mile, maintaining a steady fire until the termination of the engagement, after which a few fragments of a shrapnel were found on deck, which, with a shot through the ensign, were the only ones received, neither killing nor wounding any person on board.
The officers and men behaved throughout with the utmost bravery and coolness.
In all, 13 shell and 1 shrapnel were expended.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Acting Master, Commanding.
Commander S. C. ROWAN,
Commanding Naval Flotilla, Albemarle Sound
Navy Official Records
Series I, Volume 6
Atlantic Blockading Squadron
From October 29, 1861, to March 8, 1862.